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Stuck? In a rut? Steps to Build Momentum Now

Writer's picture: Dr. KristinDr. Kristin

This was me on a dark day several years back. In a tiny windowless office. After a grueling commute. In a role that depleted me. I was beyond done and desperate for a new opportunity.

My dream job would emerge. However, I didn't know how soon or in what form it would arrive.

Transitions can take time and it can be easy to slip into mental territory that’s dark, bleak and lonely. We can get singularly focused on a single outcome (this ONE job, that ONE company is all I want/need). The danger is that by holding a singular outcome so tightly, we can lose our footing if it doesn’t pan out. We can also simultaneously shut the door on other opportunities or possibilities.

Feeling moody? Deflated? What can help?


Bodies at-rest stay at-rest. Bodies in-motion stay in-motion. This isn’t just physics. It also has bearing on our physiological state.

Get up. Find your nearest body of water and stroll beside it. Take the dog out. Dust off your bike and go for a ride. Put on your favorite Spotify playlist and get your groove on. Dance, tap your feet, or leap around your living room.

You cannot think your way out of a mood. Don’t try. Put that beautiful body into gear and GO!

Disconnect from Distractors & Mood Deflators

Shut down social media, quiet the news, ignore provocative emails and any sources of arousing, traumatizing or skewed messaging. If an asteroid is headed for earth, your neighbors will warn you. Shut it down. When we’re struggling, we’re vulnerable.

Just as you wouldn’t send a child to bike through a busy street, protect your precious self and resist these injections of judgment and negativity. This can also include difficult personalities in your life. This is not the time to see “how much you can take.” Be kind and buffer yourself, instead.

Find Nourishment

When our moods are low, we may not feel hungry. However, your body deserves fuel and care. Good nutrition can change the direction of a difficult day.

Grab a fresh piece of fruit, a handful of carrots or a simple protein (eggs, chicken, tuna). Although a stack of pancakes can sooth yo spirit temporarily, drowsiness follows as your body diverts attention to digestion. Avoid overloading on carbs.

Give your body healthy stuff and downtime to digest. It works hard for you! Return the favor and take care of this vessel. We all only have one.

Connect with a Higher Power

Pray. Meditate. Connect with the Universe or whatever you choose to label it. Meditation and prayer have been used by mystics, leaders and the wise for centuries and it’s no surprise. If you’re not a regular practitioner, set judgment aside for 5 minutes and give it a try.

Here’s a free app to help. You may be surprised at the outcome.

Every day more research is uncovering the power we possess to change through meditation and prayer. Test it out for yourself.

Seek out Joy

Text or call an irrepressibly optimistic friend. Pull up skits from your favorite comedian (Robin Williams is my fav) on YouTube. Laughter can be incredibly healing. Walk your neighborhood and listen for playing children, notice the nature around you and the unbridled excitement of romping dogs. The act of focusing outside of ourselves can shift the moment and from here, the trajectory of your day.

As we say in coaching: Energy goes where attention flows. Pour your energy into noticing the joyful around you and then take notice of the after-effects.

Write a Thank You Note

Write an old fashioned note of thanks to someone who made a difference in your life. This could be a former mentor, a parent, a colleague or classmate who was there when you needed them. These small touches can be powerful and set off a domino effect of joy that WILL reflect back to you. Do it to acknowledge the goodness you’ve experienced and to celebrate the impact of others.

Need inspiration? Here's one grateful individual whose note-writing campaign changed the quality of his life. Check it out!

Research shows that gratitude is a powerhouse emotion. It shifts our focus from the internal to the goodness all around each of us. Powerful changes!

Slow Down and Savor

Leave your office, step away from the laptop and visit a local café. Treat yourself to your favorite indulgent beverage and really savor it. Sip it slowly. Note its creamy/sweet/complex flavor. How it warms you. Observe the diverse life around you—other patrons daydreaming, crafting the next bestselling novel, how the sun is filtering through the sky. Slow down and tap into small moments of joy. Tune into the present and its beauty. This can be a meaningful practice even when you’re feeling well

Change is the Only Constant

Finally, remind yourself that moods are like cloudscapes—they’re fleeting. Test out these practices and tomorrow or three hours from now is likely to be different. And if it’s not, there are people and resources available to help. Please ask for support if you need it.

If you continue to struggle, here are additional resources to check out.

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